• 通过开展交流活动,2019年寒假,日本东京都西龟有小学与江苏省溧阳市别桥镇中心小学,正式建立中日友好学校,双方学校的学生交换了交流学习成果,双方校长互通信函,期待双方进一步开展交流活动;
    Through the exchange programme,in early 2019, two primary schools , Buqiao Town Central Primary School in Liyang City of Jiangsu Province and West Ario primary school in Tokyo, established a formal connection featuring Sino-Japanese friendship, students from both schools exchanged their learning experiences,the principals from both sides exchanged letters, in a hope to broaden exchange scopes;
  • 日本东京都教育委员会批复,中国国际青少年机器人交流活动为东京都国际交流协助项目;
    The Tokyo municipal department of Education approved the China International Youth Robot Exchange Programme as part of Tokyo Metropolitan International Exchange Programme;
    On February 15, 2019, Mr. Sun Yao,Vice Minister of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, accompanied by Wang Dengfeng, director of the Department of Physical Education and Health Art Education, visited National School Sports League Robot Working Committee to investigate progression and manipulation of China's international youth robot exchange activities. He also highly affirmed the exchange activities, robot education, robot sports, robot competitions, etc., and offered to give strong support.
  • 交流活动创造性的开展《交流学习日记》项目,交流学生写的日记作品,通过《交流学习日记》在全国学校联盟网、今日头条、天天快报、新华网、中国网、人民网、搜狐网、腾讯网、凤凰网、中国素质体育网等媒体登载,深受广大学生、家长、老师、学校、社会各界的青睐和推崇;
    The exchange activities creatively carried out the "Exchange Learning Diary" project, while members exchanged the diary works written by the students, and published diaries through "Exchange Learning Diary" sector in the National School Sports League official website, Toutiao, Daily Express, Xinhuanet, China.com, People.com, Sohu.com, Tencent, Phoenix Network, China Quality Sports Network and other media channels, and are highly favoured and respected by students, parents, teachers, schools and all other relevant individuals and organisations.
  • 2019年3月25日,原中华人民共和国教育部政策研究与法制建设司司长、教育部法制办公室主任、全国教育科学规划领导小组成员,中国教育发展战略学会执行会长孙霄兵同志到全国学校体育联盟机器人工委调研中国国际青少年机器人交流活动开展情况,同时通报了中国教育发展战略学会正式成立了人工智能与机器人教育专业委员会,并表示中国教育发展战略学会及人工智能与机器人教育专业委员会积极支持、推动中国国际青少年机器人交流活动健康开展;
    On March 25, 2019, Mr. Sun Xiaobin, the former Director of the Policy Research and Legal System Construction Department of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, Director of the Legal Affairs Office of the Ministry of Education and a member of the National Education Science Planning Leading Group, the Executive Director of the China Education Development Strategy Association, visited the National School Sports League Robot Working Committee for investigating the development of China's international youth robot exchange activities, he also informed China Education Development Strategy Association has formally established the Professional Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Robot Education. The China Education Development Strategy Association and the Artificial Intelligence and Robot Education Committee would be actively involved, support and promote the healthy expansion of China's international youth robot exchange activities;
  • 2019年3月30日,联合国教科文南南合作组织国际科学技术和创新中心荣誉主席、发展中国家工程和技术院主席李怡章拿督一行到全国学校体育联盟机器人工委访问,并深入探讨发展中国家青少年与中国国际青少年机器人交流活动合作方案,包括职业技术交流培训等合作事宜;
    On March 30, 2019, Li Yizhang, the honorary chairman of the International Science and Technology and Innovation Center of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and the Chairman of the Engineering and Technology Institute of the Developing Countries, visited the National School Sports League Robot Working Committee and discussed a series of matters about deepened cooperation for China international youth robot exchange activities, including cooperation in vocational and technical exchange training;
  • 2019年4月25日,中国国际问题研究基金会副理事长、原中华人民共和国驻印度尼西亚、加拿大、瑞典大使兰立骏先生到校工委,与校工委主席何晨光教授、副秘书长兼交流中心主任陈浩教授就中国国际青少年机器人交流活动进行了广泛深入的研讨,为下一步双方合作奠定了基础。
    On April 25, 2019, Mr. Lan Lijun,the Vice Chairman of the China Foundation for International Studies, the former Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Indonesia, Canada, and Sweden, ,visited the National School Sports League Robot Working Committee ,conducted an extensive and in-depth conversation with Professor He Chenguang,the Chairman of the Working Committee of the Working Committee, Professor Chen Hao, the Deputy Secretary-General Professor and Director of the Communication Center,on China international youth robot exchange activities, laying the foundation for further cooperation between the two sides.
  • 2019年5月8日,中国人民对外友好协会副会长谢元同志在中国人民对外友好协会听取了校工委副秘书长兼交流中心主任陈浩教授、素质教育部主任张鑫同志关于中国国际青少年机器人交流活动开展工作等相关具体情况的汇报,谢元会长对校工委交流中心做出的工作成绩予以高度的赞赏与肯定。
    On May 8, 2019, Mr. Xie Yuan, the Vice Chairman of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries met with Professor Chen Hao, Deputy Secretary-General of the National School Sports League Robot Working Committee and Director of the Exchange Center, and Zhang Xin, Director of the Quality Education Department. Mr. Xie Yuan acknowledged a report on progression and manipulation for China international youth robot exchange activities. He highly praised the job done by the National School Sports Work Committee Exchange Center.
  • 2019年5月8日,中国人民对外友好协会与全国学校体育联盟机器人工作委员会专项工作会议研究同意,中国人民对外友好协会进一步支持中国国际青少年机器人交流活动项目。
    On May 8, 2019, the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the National School Sports League Robot Working Committee held a specific working meeting and reached an agreement that the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries would continue to offer support for China International Youth Robot Exchange Programme.
  • 2019年5月8日,日本国驻中华人民共和国大使馆【亚中蒙1号第108号(令和元年5月8日)】将中国国际青少年机器人交流活动纳入2019年日中青少年交流推进年项目。
    On May 8, 2019, the Japanese Embassy to the People's Republic of China [No.1 Doc for Asia,China and Mongolia, file No.108 (8th May, 1st year in Reiwa Era] identified the China international youth robot exchange activities as part of 2019 Japanese-Chinese youth exchange promotion Year project.
  • 2019年5月16日,由中国人民对外友好协会、中华人民共和国教育部、全国学校体育机器人联盟工委在北京共同组织举办2019年暑期中国国际青少年机器人交流活动新闻发布会。
    On May 16, 2019, the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, and the National School Sports Robot League Working Committee jointly organised a press conference for 2019 Summer China International Youth Robot Exchange activities in Beijing.
  • 新华社、中新社、人民日报、环球时报、中国网、新京报、生活报、神州网、全国学校联盟网、中国素质体育网、腾讯新闻、凤凰网、百度号、今日头条、搜狐新闻、网易新闻、天天快报、新浪网、大众网、中国江苏网、东方网等数十家媒体出席了2019年暑期中国国际青少年机器人交流活动新闻发布会,并做了广泛的宣传报道,共同践行教育部倡导的利国利民利子孙的伟大工程。
    Xinhua News Agency, China News Service, People's Daily, Global Times, China Net, Beijing News, Life News, Shenzhou Net, cqesa.com, cssra.org, Tencent News, ifeng.com, Baidu, Toutiao, Sohu News,NetEase News, Daily Express, Sina.com, Volkswagen, China Jiangsu Net, Dongfang.com and many others attended the press conference for the 2019 Summer China International Youth Robot Exchange activities, and made extensive media coverage for related matters. Media channels of various types jointly promoted this project considered vastly beneficial for generations as advocated by the Ministry of Education.
  • 2019年暑期中国国际青少年交流活动新闻发布会的组织召开,标志着中国国际青少年机器人交流活动作为开拓我国青少年科技、文化视野,培养高素质专业人才的平台,将发挥十分重要的作用,必然成为我国民间外交事业的生力军。
    The successful takeoff of the press conference of the 2019 summer international youth exchanges marked the China International Youth Robot Exchange as a platform to open up young people's scientific and cultural visions and cultivate high-quality professionals. It will play a very significant role and as a primary force for China’s civil diplomacy.
  • 截至2019年5月17日凌晨,2019年暑期中国国际青少年机器人交流活动新闻发布会在新华社媒体客户端浏览量已超过57万次。
    As of May 17, 2019, the press conference of the 2019 Summer China International Youth Robot Exchange activities had received over 570,000 views in Xinhua News Agency's client portal.
  • 截至2019年5月17日17时,2019年暑期中国国际青少年机器人交流活动今日头条媒体客户端浏览量已超过19万人次 。
    As of 17:00 on May 17th, 2019, the 2019 Summer China International Youth Robot Exchange event has attracted more than 190,000 views on the client portal of Toutiao.com.
  • 截至2019年5月17日17时,2019年暑期中国国际青少年机器人交流活动凤凰网浏览量已超过11万人次 。
    As of 17:00 on May 17th, 2019, the 2019 Summer China International Youth Robot Exchange event has attracted more than 110,000 views on the client portal of IFENG.com.
  • 截至2019年5月17日18时,2019年暑期中国国际青少年机器人交流活动人民网浏览量已超过82万人次 。
    As of 17:00 on May 17, 2019,the 2019 Summer China International Youth Robot Exchange event has attracted more than 820,000 views on the client portal of People.com.cn.
  • 截至2019年5月18日凌晨,2019年暑期中国国际青少年机器人交流活动全国学校联盟网www.cqesa.com及客户端浏览量已超过 80万人次,标志着全国学校联盟成员单位及成员学校中的广大青少年高度关注交流活动、青睐交流活动、渴望交流活动、喜欢交流活动。
    As of May 18, 2019, media reporting on 2019 International Youth Robot Exchange activities as published on the official website of National School Sports Robot League(www.cqesa.com) with its customer portal has attracted more than 800,000 views, this is to demonstrate relevant activities being considered highly popular among member schools of National School Sports league, reflect young people’s strong attentions paid to relevant activities, favoring exchange programme, show an eager to participate, and enjoy exchange activities.
  • 截至2019年5月19日12时,2019年暑期中国国际青少年机器人交流活动新华社媒体客户端浏览量已超过70万人次 。
    As of 12pm on May 19, 2019, media reporting on the 2019 Chinese international youth robot Summer Exchange activities as featured on Xinhua News Agency’s customer portal have attracted over 700,000 views.
  • 截至2019年5月19日,《生活报》刊发“2019年暑期中国国际青少年机器人交流活动新闻发布会在京举行”的专题报道,引起社会各界的高度重视,受众人群达数千万。
    On May 19, 2019, "Life News" published a featured report on "The 2019 Summer China International Youth Robot Exchange Event was held in Beijing", which attracted widespread attention and covered tens of millions of readers.
  • 截至2019年5月20日,《新京报》刊发“全国11个青少年团暑期将赴美英日等7国学习”,2019年暑期中国国际青少年机器人交流活动引起社会各界的高度重视,日发行量50万份,受众人群达数百万人。
    On May 20, 2019, the "Beijing News" published "11 National Youth Summer Exchange teams will visit United States, United Kingdom, Japan and additional seven countries this summer". In 2019, the summer international youth robot exchange activities in China attracted widespread attention thanks to the paper’s daily circulation of The 500,000 copies with a few million readers.
  • 2019年5月25日,中国国际青少年机器人2019年度暑期公费交流抽签活动在全国范围内24个抽签站点同时举行。
    As of May 25, 2019, lottery for 2019 China International Youth Robot Summer Exchange Programme was drawn simultaneously at 24 stations across the country.
  • 2019年5月25日,中国国际青少年机器人2019年度暑期公费交流抽签活动由24个抽签站组成,包括北京、上海、南京、哈尔滨、沈阳、济南、石家庄、嘉峪关、青岛、齐齐哈尔、淄博、苏州、牡丹江、大庆、蓬莱、龙口、宾县、密云、洛阳、扬州、潍坊、鹤岗、溧阳、沂源。
    As of May 25, 2019, 2019 China International Youth Robots Summer Exchange Programme has its lottery stations based in 24 locations, including Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Harbin, Shenyang, Jinan, Shijiazhuang, Jiayuguan, Qingdao, Qiqihar, Zibo, Suzhou. Mudanjiang, Daqing, Penglai, Longkou, Binxian, Miyun, Luoyang, Yangzhou, Weifang, Hegang, Fuyang, Wuyuan.
  • 2019年5月25日,中国国际青少年机器人2019年度暑期公费交流抽签活动成功落下帷幕,随机产生赴7个国家的11个交流学习代表团。
    As of May 25,2019, lottery for 2019 China International Youth Robot Summer Exchange Programme was successfully concluded, resulting in 11 exchange delegations for 7 countries.
  • 2019年5月25日,中国国际青少年机器人2019年度暑期公费交流抽签活动许多抽签站迎来了当地党政领导、学校负责人、专家教师亲自启动抽签键,彰显社会各界对中国国际青少年机器人交流活动的支持和重视。例如:宾县站由中共宾县县委书记郑永刚同志率领主管县长、教育局长一行参加,并由郑永刚书记启动抽签键;嘉峪关站由嘉峪关市人民政府副市长邓曙光、嘉峪关市人民政府副秘书长信连成、嘉峪关市教育局党委书记、局长王林同志一行参加,并由邓曙光副市长亲自启动抽签键。
    As of May 25, 2019, lottery for 2019 China International Youth Robot Summer Exchange Programme was drawn by leaders from local pgovernment as well as leading experts from education sector, which demonstrated a high level of significance of the China International exchange youth robot exchange for local authories, with supports and attentions to the lottery. For example, lottery for Bin County was participated by Mr. Zheng Yonggang, secretary of the CPC Committee of the Bin County, with other executives from magistrate and education sectors. The lottery box was initiated by Secretary Zheng Yonggang himself; In Jiayuguan among key members turned up at the lottery were Mr. Deng Shuguang, deputy mayor of Jiayuguan Municipal People's Government, Mr.Xin Liancheng,deputy secretary of Jiayuguan Municipal People's Government,Mr.Wang Lin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jiayuguan City Education Bureau, and many others attended the event, the lottery box was initiated by deputy mayor Deng Shuguang.
  • 2019年6月24日,教育部体卫艺司司长王登峰教授、校工委执行主席兼秘书长何晨光教授、校工委副秘书长陈浩教授与日本东方日报株式会社代表取缔役福岛毅雲先生在东京讨论机器人教育、机器人体育、校园足球等合作相关事宜。
    As of June 24, 2019, Professor Wang Dengfeng, Director of the Department of Physical and Artistic Affairs of the Ministry of Education, Professor He Chenguang, Executive Chairman and Secretary General of the National School Sports Robot League Working Committee, Professor Chen Hao, Deputy Secretary General of the National School Sports Robot League Working Committee, together with Mr. Fukishima Kikumo,representative of Japan Oriental Daily, had a discussion regarding cooperation in robot eduication, robotic sports, and campus football in Tokyo.
  • 2019年6月25日,校工委执行主席兼秘书长何晨光教授、校工委副秘书长陈浩教授与日本电通株式会社执行董事、中国区总经理盛宣先生、中国区副总经理魏屹春女士在东京讨论进一步加强战略合作、策略合作等相关事宜。
    As of June 25, 2019, Professor Chen Chenguang, Executive Chairman and Secretary General of the National School Sports Robot League Working Committee, Professor Chen Hao, Deputy Secretary General of the National School Sports Robot League Working Committee, Mr. Sheng Xuan, General Manager of Dentsu Group’s China division, and Ms. Wei Yichun, Deputy General Manager of Dentsu Group’s China division ,discussed in Tokyo to further strengthen strategic cooperation and other related matters.
  • 2019年6月26日,校工委执行主席兼秘书长何晨光教授、校工委副秘书长陈浩教授与日本国公益财团法人、国际青少年研修协会副会长竹村圭一先生、理事福岛毅雲先生、日本众议院议员原通产省政务次官、财务副大臣远藤乙彦先生在东京讨论中日青少年单双边交流学习、赴日研修、留学、就业等合作内容,为进一步全面深度合作奠定了良好的基础。
    As of June 26, 2019, Professor Chen Chenguang, Executive Chairman and Secretary General of the National School Sports Robot League Working Committee, Professor Chen Hao, Deputy Secretary General of the National School Sports Robot League Working Committee, met with Mr. Takemura Kumi,and the Japanese National Public Welfare Foundation, Vice President of the International Youth Training Association, Mr.Fukishima Kikumo,board member of the International Youth Training Association, Mr. Endo Yoshihiko, member of House of Representatives, former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, and Deputy Minister of Finance, discussed in Tokyo on matters of bilaterial or unilateral Sino-Japanese youth exchange projects specified on cooperating about study abroad and employment sectors and other,the meeting was a foundation which would advance further comprehensive and in-depth cooperation between two sides.
  • 2019年6月27日,教育部体卫艺司司长王登峰教授、校工委副秘书长陈浩教授与日本电通株式会社执行董事中国区总经理盛宣先生、中国区副总经理魏屹春女士就如何借鉴日本高中足球联盟开展经验以及中日青少年足球交流进行了深入具体的探讨。
    As of June 27, 2019, Professor Wang Dengfeng, Director of the Department of Physical and Welfare of the Ministry of Education, Professor Chen Hao, Deputy Secretary General of the School Sports Working Committee, and Mr. Sheng Xuan, General Manager of Dentsu Group’s China division, and Ms. Wei Yichun, Deputy General Manager of Dentsu Group’s China division has conducted in-depth talks on how to learn experience from Japanese high school football league and seek further exchange opportunity of youth football between Chinese and Japanese young students.
  • 2019年6月28日,校工委副秘书长陈浩教授与日本电通株式会社取缔役望月先生、総括部长北村先生、执行董事中国区总经理盛宣先生、中国区副总经理魏屹春女士就中国国际青少年机器人交流活动进一步开展进行了探讨。日本电通株式会社负责人表示将尽全力协助支持中国国际青少年机器人交流活动在日本及世界相关地区进一步推广。
    On June 28, 2019, Professor Chen Hao, Deputy Secretary General of the School Sports Working Committee, Mr. Juri, a member of the Board of Director of Japan Dentsu Group , Mr. Kitamura, general manager of Dentsu Group, Mr. Sheng Xuan, General Manager of Dentsu Group’s China division ,and Ms. Wei Yichun, Deputy General Manager of Dentsu Group’s China division had an in-depth conversation regarding leveraging China International Youth Robot Exchange schme, representatives of Dentsu Group afiirmed their commitment to offering support at an utmost level for promotinf China International Youth Robot Exchange in Japan and neighboring regions.
  • 2019年6月29日,校工委副秘书长陈浩教授与日本近畿株式会社中国区负责人王磊就中国国际青少年机器人交流活动日本交流学习团与日本中小学校进行校际交流进行了深入具体的探讨,并制定了具体的交流工作计划。
    On June 29, 2019, Professor Chen Hao, Deputy Secretary General of the School Sports Working Committee, and Wang Lei, Head of China division of Japan's Kinki Group, conducted in-depth exchanges on the inter-school exchanges between China International Youth Robot Exchange team and Japanese Primary and Secondary School.At the same time, they explored and managed to setup a specific plan for future exchange.
  • 2019年7月2日,牡丹江市东安区人民政府致全国学校体育联盟机器人工委《关于申请中、日、韩青少年机器人国际交流活动的函》,请工委支持在东安区开展相关机器人青少年国际交流活动。
    On July 2, 2019, local government of Dong'an District of Mudanjiang City sent an application to the National School Sports League Robot Working Committee regarding 《international robot exchange activities amongst Chinese, Japanese and Korean youths》, in a request for the Working Committee to support related arrangements in Dong'an District.
  • 2019年7月9日至11日,校工委执行主席兼秘书长何晨光教授、校工委副秘书长刘彬应邀考察不列颠哥伦比亚省理工学院(BCIT),在加拿大温哥华市与BCIT常务校长Paul McCullough先生 、国际学院院长Lawrence Gu先生关于研修、留学、交流等相关教育、培训等合作事项签署了战略合作协议。
    Between 9th July and 11th July in 2019, Professor Liu Chenguang, Executive Chairman and Secretary General of the School Sports Working Committee, and Liu Bin, Deputy Secretary General of the School Sports Working Committee, were invited to visit the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) and met with Mr. Paul McCullough, President of BCIT and Lawrence Gu, Dean of the International College, signed a strategic cooperation agreement on cooperation in education, training, exchanges and other related education and training matters.
  • 2019年7月12日,校工委执行主席兼秘书长何晨光教授、校工委副秘书长刘彬考察加拿大温哥华市高级智能系统(AIS)公司,与AIS公司首席运营官Robert Vahedi先生、商业开发经理Massood Moradkhan先生进行了有关合作事项的讨论。
    As of July 12th 2019, Professor He Chenguang, Deputy Secretary General Liu Bin visited Adanced Intelligence System(AIS) company in Vancouver in Canada, discussed with its COO Mr.Robert Vahedi and business development manager Mr. Massood Moradkhan regarding relevant cooperation.
  • 2019年7月16日,校工委执行主席兼秘书长何晨光教授、校工委副秘书长刘彬与沙特阿拉伯王国驻中华人民共和国大使Turki Al-Madi先生、阿拉伯联合酋长国驻中华人民共和国大使Ali Obaid Al Dhaheri先生,关于在有关国家开展中国国际青少年机器人交流单双边活动等教育培训相关事宜,进行了深入的合作探讨,为将来与沙特、阿联酋的国际交流合作奠定了良好的基础。
    On July 16, 2019, Professor Chen Chenguang, executive Chairman and secretary general of the School Sports Working Committee, Liu Bin, deputy secretary general of the School Sports Working Committee, Mr. Turki Al-Madi, ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the People's Republic of China, along with Mr. Ali Obaid Al Dhaheri,ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to the People's Republic of China, conducted an in-depth talk on issues related to education and training on China's international youth robot exchange programme and unilateral or bilateral collaboration with relevant countries, laying a good foundation for upcoming international exchanges and cooperation with Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
  • 2019年7月16日,校工委副秘书长兼交流中心主任陈浩教授、校工委体教部主任张鑫同志率2019年暑期交流团部分成员代表及团长赴全国友协观摩学习,NGO处长段军女士代表全国友协讲话并对交流团的学生做出访礼仪等外事培训。
    On July 16, 2019, Professor Chen Hao, deputy secretary-general of the School Sports Working Committee and the director of the Exchange Center, with Zhang Xin, director of the Physical Education Department of the School Sports Working Committee, led members of the 2019 summer exchange programme to visit The Chinese People’s Association For Friendship With Foreign Countries for observance and study. The Director of the NGO Division, Ms. Duan Jun, spoke on behalf of The Chinese People’s Association For Friendship With Foreign Countries and offered proper etiquette training for students within the exchange scheme.
  • 2019年7月16日,教育部体卫艺司王登峰司长一行到校工委工作调研并做指导,同时对校工委教材编写委员会即将出版发行的小学4年级、5年级、6年级,初中1年级、2年级机器人教育系列教材(共计10册)编写出版、发行使用、教学大纲等工作提出了宝贵的意见。
    On July 16, 2019, Wang Dengfeng, director of the Department of Physical Education and Arts of the Ministry of Education visited the School Sports Working Committee for research and guidance, gave valuable ideas on the preparation,publication, use as well as syllabus of 10-volume textbooks covering robot curriculum from 4th grade through 8th grade offered by the School Sports Working Committee.
  • 2019年7月17日,中国国际青少年机器人公费交流活动代表团陆续赴相关国家交流学习,开始了广大青少年学生的学习之旅。
    On July 17, 2019, the delegations of China International Youth Robot Exchange for different countries had initiated their steps for corresponding destinations, formally commenced a tour of study and exchange for young students.
  • 2019年7月17日,中国国际青少年机器人公费交流活动代表团赴日本东京团、关西团于北京、上海国际机场启航。
    On July 17, 2019,the delegations of China International Youth Robot Exchange set sail at Beijing and Shanghai International Airports for Tokyo and Kansai,respectively.
  • 2019年7月22日,中国国际青少年机器人日本东京交流团圆满完成交流学习任务,搭乘日本全日空航空公司班机于20点10分降落在北京首都国际机场。
    On July 22,2019,the delegation of China International Youth Robot Exchange for Tokyo successfully completed the exchange programme and landed at Beijing Capital International Airport at 20:10 via ANA Airlines.
  • 2019年7月22日,中国国际青少年机器人日本关西交流团圆满完成交流学习任务,搭乘日本全日空航空公司班机于17点30分降落在上海浦东国际机场。
    On July 22,2019,the delegation of China International Youth Robot Exchange for Kansai successfully completed the exchange programme and landed at Shanghai Pudong International Airport at 17:30 via ANA Airlines.
  • 2019年7月26日,全国学校体育联盟机器人工委正式复函牡丹江市东安区人民政府,同意举办中日韩青少年机器人国际交流活动。文件中明确本活动是中国国际青少年机器人交流活动的重要组成部分,计划于2021年暑期在牡丹江市开展第一届交流活动。
    On July 26,2019,the National School Sports League Robot Working Committee officially responded to the People's Government of Dong'an District of Mudanjiang City, and agreed to hold the international exchange activities among Chinese, Japanese and Korean youngsters. The document states that this activity is an important part of China's international youth robot exchange activities. The first exchange event is planned to take place in Mudanjiang City in the summer of 2021.
  • 2019年7月26日,日本东方新报刊登了题为“机器人交流活动再开!中国青少年空降东京和关西!”专刊,以图文并茂的形式展现了交流团团员在日本交流学习的风采,赢得了社会公众的强烈反响,使中国国际青少年机器人交流活动在日本更具知名度。
    On July 26, 2019, the Japan’s Oriental New Newspaper published a special issue entitled "Robot Exchanges Reopened! Chinese Youth Arrives in Tokyo and Kansai!", which reports exchange schemes in Japan in the form of pictures and texts. The strong public response has made China's international youth robot exchange activities more visible in Japan.
  • 2019年7月27日,中国国际青少年机器人公费交流活动赴德国代表团于北京首都国际机场启航。
    On July 27,2019,the delegation of China international youth robot exchange for Germany set sail at Beijing Capital International Airport.
  • 2019年7月28日,中国国际青少年机器人公费交流活动赴英国代表团于北京首都国际机场启航。
    On July 28,2019,the delegation of China international youth robot exchange for UK set sail at Beijing Capital International Airport.
  • 2019年8月2日,中国国际青少年机器人公费交流活动赴加拿大代表团于北京首都国际机场启航。
    On August 2,2019,the delegation of Chinese international youth robot exchange for Canada set sail at Beijing Capital International Airport.
  • 2019年8月4日,中国国际青少年机器人公费交流活动赴美国洛杉矶代表团于北京首都国际机场启航。
    On August 4, 2019,the delegation of China International Youth Robot for Los Angeles set sail at Beijing Capital International Airport.
  • 2019年8月4日,中国国际青少年机器人公费交流活动赴瑞士意大利代表团于北京首都国际机场启航。
    On August 4,2019,the delegation of China international youth robot exchange for Switzerland& Italy set sail at Beijing Capital International Airport.
  • 2019年8月4日,中国国际青少年机器人德国交流团圆满完成交流学习任务,搭乘中国国际航空公司班机于11点25分降落在北京首都国际机场。
    On August 4,2019,the delegation of China International Youth Robot Exchange for Germany successfully completed the exchange programme and landed at Beijing Capital International Airport at 11:25 via Air China.
  • 2019年8月5日,中国国际青少年机器人英国交流团圆满完成交流学习任务,搭乘中国国际航空公司班机于15点25分降落在北京首都国际机场。
    On August 5,2019,the delegation of China International Youth Robot Exchange for UK successfully completed the exchange programme and landed at Beijing Capital International Airport at 15:25 via Air China.
  • 2019年8月7日,中国国际青少年机器人公费交流活动赴美国纽约代表团于北京首都国际机场启航。
    On August 7,2019,the delegation of China international youth robot exchange for New York set sail at Beijing Capital International Airport.
  • 2019年8月8日,加拿大安大略省参议员Victor Oh发信赞扬中国国际青少年机器人交流活动与加拿大当地青少年聚集在一起,通过技术促进跨文化对话。参与者将在技术和机械领域通过机器人案例竞赛磨炼他们的技能。通过吸引来自世界各地的学生,这一交流突出了STEM学科在教育下一代全球公民方面将发挥的作用;这些努力无疑将加强加拿大在全球社会中的作用。参议员Victor Oh赞扬活动组织者通过这一出色的活动持续致力于建设一个全球化社会。
    On August 8,2019,Canadian Senator Victor Oh from Ontario sent a letter praising the China International Youth Robot Exchange activity for its impact of promoting cross-cultural dialogue between Chinese and local canadian youngsters through technology. Participants will honed their skills through robot competitions in the technical and mechanical fields. By attracting students from around the world, this exchange activity highlights the role that the STEM discipline will play a key role in educating the next generation of global citizens; these efforts will undoubtedly strengthen Canada's future role in the global community. Senator Victor Oh praised the event organizers for their continued commitment to building a global society through this outstanding event.
  • 2019年8月11日,中国国际青少年机器人加拿大交流团圆满完成交流学习任务,搭乘中国国际航空公司班机于17点整降落在北京首都国际机场。
    On August 11, 2019, the delegation of China International Youth Robot Exchange for Canada successfully completed the exchange programme, and landed at Beijing Capital International Airport at 17:00 via Air China.
  • 2019年8月12日,中国国际青少年机器人瑞士意大利交流团圆满完成交流学习任务,搭乘中国国际航空公司班机于05点30分降落在北京首都国际机场。
    On August 12,2019,the delegation of China International Youth Robot Exchange for Switzerland & Italy successfully completed the exchange programme and landed at Beijing Capital International Airport at 05:30 via Air China.
  • 2019年8月13日,中国国际青少年机器人美国洛杉矶交流团圆满完成交流学习任务,搭乘中国国际航空公司班机于15点10分降落在北京首都国际机场。
    On August 13,2019,the delegation of China International Youth Robot Exchange for Los Angeles successfully completed the exchange programme and landed at Beijing Capital International Airport at 15:10 via Air China.
  • 2019年8月13日,Pearson大中华区主席一行到访校工委交流中心,共同讨论STEM、IB课程教育、AP课程教育、高等学科教育等方面的合作,为双方下一步开展合作奠定了良好的基础。
    On August 13, 2019, Chairman of Greater China Division of Pearson Group visited the Work Committee Exchange Center to discuss cooperation in STEM, IB curriculum , AP curriculum, and higher education, which laid a good foundation for the next stage of cooperation between two sides.
  • 2019年8月13日,南非皮尔森高等教育学院院长 Farhana Paruk博士到访校工委交流中心,共同讨论了南非大学生参加中国国际青少年机器人交流活动,到中国研修、学习等相关具体事项,为中南友好交流学习奠定了良好的基础。
    On August 13, 2019, Dr. Farhana Paruk, Dean of the Pearson Institute of Higher Education in South Africa, visited the Work Committee Exchange Center to discuss the specific activities of South African university students participating in the China International Youth Robot Exchange and coming to China for training and study. The discussion set a good foundation for Sino -South Africa friendly exchanges and learning.
  • 2019年8月15日,加拿大华侨新报发表了题为“‘学以致用 赢得未来’中国国际青少年公费交流活动(加拿大)系列报导二”的专刊,全篇详实记录了团员们交流学习的过程与收获,在当地华人社会引起了强烈反响。
    On August 15th, 2019, Canada’s China Overseas Daily News published a special issue entitled “To apply what have learnt and win the future! Series No.2 report for China International Youth Exchange Activities , which throughoutly reported the syllabus of exchanges and learning activities involved. And which had aroused strong repercussions in the local Chinese community.
  • 2019年8月16日,加拿大健康时报以特刊的形式报道了加拿大交流团的交流学习过程与取得的成果,体现了交流活动“学以致用 赢得未来”的理念,扩大了中国国际青少年机器人交流活动在国际上的知名度与影响力。
    On August 16, 2019, Canada’s Health Times reported as a featured topic on the exchange syllabus and achievements of the China International Youth Robot Exchange for Cananda. These activities embodied the concept of To apply what have learnt and win the future! and expands acclaim and influence of China International Youth Robot Exchange to a higher degree of recognition.
  • 2019年8月16日,加拿大新加园报刊登了题为“‘学以致用 赢得未来’中国国际青少年公费交流活动(加拿大)报导”的新闻,详实的记录展现了加拿大交流学习团的交流学习成果,使中国国际青少年机器人交流活动进一步扩大了国际影响力。
    On August 16, 2019, New Canada Newspaper published a news report entitled “To apply what have learnt and win the future! featuring China International Youth Robot Exchange for Canada. With detailed reporting on how and what the delegation had achieved through a variety of activities. Media coverage helped to achieve a wider range of international recognition for China international youth robot exchange programme.
  • 2019年8月16日,中国国际青少年机器人美国哈佛交流团圆满完成交流学习任务,搭乘中国国际航空公司班机于18点05分降落在首都机场。
    On August 16,2019,the delegation of China International Youth Robot exchange for Harvard University successfully completed the exchange programme and landed at the Capital Airport at 18:05 via Air China.
  • 2019年8月16日,加拿大阿姆斯特朗音乐经纪公司(业内著名公司)中国区总经理张薇女士一行到访校工委交流中心,共同讨论将中外青少年艺术交流内容充实到中国国际青少年机器人交流活动中。例如:加拿大皇家音乐学院、伦敦西区艺术学院等。
    On August 16, 2019, Ms. Zhang Wei, General Manager of China Division of Canada’s Armstrong Music Agency (a well-known company in the industry) visited the National School Sports Robot League Work Committee to discuss how to add artistic elements into China International international youth robot exchange activities. A number of proposed education institutions such as Royal College of Music in Canada, London West End College of Art, were mentioned in the talk.
  • 2019年9月3日,教育部副部长孙尧同志、教育部体育卫生与艺术教育司王登峰司长一行到校工委调研机器人教育与中国国际青少年机器人交流活动的开展情况。
    On september 3, 2019, Mr. Sun Yao, the Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China, Professor Wang Dengfeng, Director of the Department of Physical,Hygenical and Artistic Education of the Ministry of Education, jointly visited National School Sports League Robot Working Committee to investigate progression and manipulation of China's international youth robot exchange activities.
  • 2019年9月11日,校工委执行主席兼秘书长何晨光教授、校工委副秘书长兼交流中心主任陈浩教授、校工委副秘书长刘彬同志、校工委体教部主任张鑫同志与加拿大思达莱国际教育集团总经理莫艳梅女士进行了深入沟通,共同讨论了青少年短期留学、留学、出国研修、就业等合作内容,为进一步深度合作奠定了良好的基础。
    On September 11, 2019, Professor He Chenguang, executive Chairman and Secretary-General of the School Working Committee, Professor Chen Hao, deputy Secretary-General and director of the Exchange Center of the the School Working Committee, Mr. Liu Bin, deputy Secretary-General of the the School Working Committee, and Mr. Zhang Xin, Director of the Department of Physical Education of the School Working Committee, had in-depth communication with Ms. Mo Yanmei, General Manager of Canadian Star-Light International Education Group, and jointly discussed the contents of cooperation such as short-term study abroad, study abroad and employment for young people, which laid a good foundation for further in-depth cooperation.
  • 2019年10月8日,校工委执行主席兼秘书长何晨光教授、副秘书长兼交流中心主任陈浩教授一行受邀全国友协召开筹备成立中国国际青少年机器人交流工作领导小组办公室事宜,全国友协美大工作部代主任吉拥军同志、NGO处长段军同志参加会议,同时何晨光教授与全国友协会长李小林同志进行了友好会谈。
    On October 8, 2019, Professor He Chenguang, Executive Chairman and Secretary General of the National School Sports League Robot Working Committee Working Committee, Professor Chen Hao, Deputy Secretary General of the National School Sports League Robot Working Committee Working Committee and the Director of the Exchange Center, were invited to visit the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries to convene the establishment of the China International Youth Robot Exchange Leading Group Office. Amongst those attending the meeting include Comrade Ji Yongjun, the acting director of the Department of North America and Oceania of the Association, and Mr. Duan Jun, the director of the NGO Department. In addition, Professor He Chenguang had received a warm reception from Ms. Li Xiaolin, the president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.
  • 2019年10月9日,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚理工学院常务校长PAUL教授、国际学院院长谷丰博士一行访问校工委,进一步落实双方飞机维修、机场管理、机务管理的教育培训、交流合作、CQET职业英语资格认证、机器人赛事、短期留学、出国研修等方面的合作。
    On October 9, 2019, vice chancellor of Canada-based British Columbia Institute of Technology(BCIT), Professor Paul, with the head of BCIT’s international school, Doctor Gu Feng, visitied National School Sports League Robot Working Committee, both sides had further strenghthened the consensus on cooperation on a number of fields, including aviation maintaince, airport management, aircraft management, aviation-related exchange programmes, CQET, robot competition, and study aboard arrangments.
  • 2019年10月11日,教育部体育卫生与艺术教育司司长王登峰教授一行到校工委调研,筹备成立中国国际青少年机器人交流工作领导小组办公室等相关事宜,并对领导小组办公室成立提出合理化建议。同时听取了何晨光关于《全国学校体育机器人联盟章程》修正案的意见。
    On October 11, 2019, Professor Wang Dengfeng, Director of the Department of Physical,Hygenical and Artistic Education of the Ministry of Education Ministry of Education, visited National School Sports League Robot Working Committee to establish a governing office responsible for China International Youth Robotic Exchange activities and offer feasible advices correspondingly.He also acknowledged ideas from Professor He Chenguang regarding amandement to 《National School Sports Robot Alliance Charter》.
  • 2019年10月14日,教育部原政策法规司司长、中国教育战略发展学会孙霄兵教授与校工委执行主席兼秘书长何晨光教授在校工委进行了关于机器人与人工智能国际国内教育教学方面探讨下一步双方共同开展的相关工作。
    On October 14, 2019, Mr. Sun Xiaobin, the former Director of the Policy Research and Legal System Construction Department of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, the Executive Director of the China Education Development Strategy Association, met with Professor He Chenguang, Executive Chairman and Secretary General of the National School Sports League Robot Working Committee in the office of Working Committee,they had dicussed a number of matters relating to cooperation on robot and artificial intelligence education both at home and abroad.
  • 2019年10月15日,校工委副秘书长兼交流中心主任陈浩教授、体教部主任张鑫同志与威海市经济技术开发区管委会主任王启同志、威海市经济技术开发区教育局局长丛麒同志一行进行了会谈,双方共同探讨了国际国内交流、基地建设、教育教学、赛事举办、职业俱乐部等方面的内容,为下阶段工作的开展奠定了良好的基础。
    On Oct 15,2019, Professor Chen Hao, Deputy Secretary General of the National School Sports League Robot Working Committee and the Director of the Exchange Center, Mr. Zhang Xin, the Director of the Department of Sports Education jointly met with Mr. Wang Qi, the Director of Economic and Technological Development Zone of Weihai City, Mr. Cong Lin, the Director of Education Department of Economic and Technological Development Zone of Weihai City, both sides had conducted an in-depth conversation regarding a series of matters including international and domestic exchange activities. construction of education base, events organising, professional clubs. This talk laid a good foundation to have relevant work progressed to the next stage.
  • 2019年10月15-16日,执行主席兼秘书长何晨光教授、刘彬副秘书长一行在加拿大多伦多市调研考察了Stanford International College of Business and Technology,Georgian College等学校,为中国国际青少年机器人交流工作总结了经验,为未来合作奠定了基础。
    From 15 to 16 October 2019, Professor He Chenguang, Executive Chairman and Secretary-General, and Mr. Liu Bin, Deputy Secretary-General, visited Stanford International College of Business and Technology and Georgian College in Toronto, Canada, which accumulated experience for China's International Youth Robot Exchange Activity and laid the foundation for future cooperation.
  • 2019年10月16日,执行主席兼秘书长何晨光教授、刘彬副秘书长一行在加拿大多伦多市与具有OSSD资格的Canada Online School(加拿大在线学校)、WTC语言学院达成了关于我国初中三年级至高中三年级学生自愿选择出国留学学习加拿大高中课程,并实现国内学生学分转换到加拿大国民学生标准学分互认共享等内容的战略协议。此举为校工委开设CQES认证等工作奠定了坚实的基础,对符合OSSD英语体系内有意、乐意出国,凡符合CQES和COS学校颁发OSSD高中毕业证资格的学生,保送到英语系国家大学留学的学生提供了规范合法、公平透明,便捷优惠的平台。
    On 16 October 2019, Professor He Chenguang, Executive Chairman and Secretary-General, together with Mr. Liu Bin, Deputy Secretary-General, has reached a strategic agreement with the OSSD-QUALIFIED Canada Online School, and the WTC Institute of Phonetics in Toronto, Canada. The agreement is about the voluntary choice of Canadian high school courses for students from junior high school to senior high school in China, and the realization of the mutual recognition of domestic students' credits to Canadian national students' standard credits. This has laid a solid foundation for the School Working Committee to set up CQES certification, and provided a standardized, legit, fair, transparent, convenient and preferential platform for students to go abroad for further education. Eligible students are those who meet the OSSD English system requirements and are willing to go abroad, and also meet the OSSD high school diploma qualifications issued by CQES and COS schools.
  • 2019年10月17-18日,执行主席兼秘书长何晨光教授、刘彬副秘书长一行在加拿大蒙特利尔市调研考察了Gaspesie College,Lester B.Pearson School,Lasalle College等学校,为中国国际青少年机器人交流工作总结了经验,为未来合作奠定了基础。
    From October 17 to 18, 2019, Professor He Chenguang, Executive Chairman and Secretary-General, and Mr. Liu Bin, Deputy Secretary-General visited Gaspesie College, Lester B. Pearson School, and Lasalle College in Montreal, Canada, which accumulated experience for China's International Youth Robot Exchange Activity and laid the foundation for future cooperation.
  • 2019年10月30日,副秘书长兼交流中心主任陈浩教授、体教部主任张鑫同志一行5人与中国人民对外友好协会李小林会长一行到革命老区山西省吕梁市兴县开展精准扶贫工作,校工委交流中心和全国友协共同为贫困地区免费提供2名学生、1名教师到国外交流学习,同时向兴县教育局赠送机器人小学教材2000册,教师用书500册,机器人教学器材30套(无人机、足球机器人、插件)。
    On October 30, 2019, Professor Chen Hao, Deputy Secretary-General and Mr. Zhang Xin, Director of the Exchange Center and 3 others, together with President Li Xiaolin of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, went to the old revolutionary base area located at Xingxian County, Lvliang City, Shanxi Province, to carry out targeted poverty alleviation work. The Exchange Center of the School Working Committee and the Chinese people's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries jointly provide certain quota for sponsored International Exchange, including 2 students and 1 teacher in the poor areas. At the same time, 2000 volumes of robot primary school textbooks, 500 volumes of teachers' books and 30 sets of robot teaching equipment (UAV, football robot, plug-in) were presented to Xingxian Education Bureau.
  • 2019年11月14日,由中国人民对外友好协会、中华人民共和国教育部、全国学校体育联盟机器人工委在北京共同组织举办2020年寒假中国国际青少年机器人交流活动新闻发布会。中国人民对外友好协会副会长谢元,中国人民对外友好协会美大部副主任吉拥军,教育部体育卫生与艺术教育司体卫处处长许弘,全国学校体育联盟机器人工委执行主席兼秘书长何晨光、副主席韩力群、副秘书长兼交流中心主任陈浩,日本驻华使馆一等书记官菅原孝介等领导应邀出席。
    On November 14, 2019, The press conference on China International Youth robot exchange activity for 2020 winter vacation was jointly organized and held by Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Ministry of Education of the people's Republic of China and the National School Sports Robot Working Committee .Leaders were invited to attend, including Xie Yuan, Vice president of hinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; Ji Yongjun, Deputy Director of the American Department of hinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; Xu Hong, Director of the Department of Physical Health and Art Education of the Ministry of Education; He Chenguang, Executive Chairman and Secretary General of the National School Sports Robot Working Committee; Han Liqun, Vice chairman of the National School Sports Robot Working Committee; Chen Hao, Deputy Secretary General and Director of the communication center of the National School Sports Robot Working Committee; and the First Secretary of the Japanese Embassy in China.
  • 2019年11月16日,2020年寒假中国国际青少年机器人公费交流抽签活动在全国范围内20个抽签站点同时举行。
    On November 16, 2019, The lottery of 2020 Winter China International Youth Robot Exchange Activity was drawn from 20 lottery stations.
  • 2019年11月16日,2020年寒假中国国际青少年机器人公费交流抽签活动由20个抽签站点组成,分别为北京市(海淀站、密云站)、黑龙江省(哈尔滨站、宾县站、大庆站、鹤岗站、牡丹江站、牡丹江基地站、齐齐哈尔站)、甘肃省嘉峪关站、河北省石家庄站、河南省洛阳站、山东省(烟台站、淄博站)、江苏省(南京站、苏州站、徐州站、常州站)、上海站、山西省吕梁站。
    On November 16, 2019, The lottery of 2020 Winter China International Youth Robot Exchange Activity Lottery was drawn from 20 lottery stations, which are located in 20 different areas, namely of Beijing (Haidian Station, Miyun Station),Heilongjiang Province (Harbin Station, Binxian Station, Daqing Station, Hegang Station, Mudanjiang Station, Mudanjiang Base Station, Qiqihar Station), Jiayuguan Station of Gansu Province, Shijiazhuang Station of Hebei Province, Luoyang Station of Henan Province, Shandong Province (Yantai Station, Zibo Station) ), Jiangsu Province (Nanjing Station, Suzhou Station, Xuzhou Station, Changzhou Station), Shanghai Station, Luliang Station of Shanxi Province.
  • 2019年11月16日,2020年寒假中国国际青少年机器人公费交流抽签活动成功落下帷幕,随机产生赴8个国家的10个交流学习代表团。
    On November 16, 2019, the lottery of 2020 Winter International China Youth Robotic Exchange Activity was successfully concluded, with 10 exchange delegations for 8 countries randomly selected.
  • 2019年11月16日,2020年寒假中国国际青少年机器人公费交流抽签活动许多抽签站迎来了当地党政领导、学校负责人、专家教师亲自启动抽签键,彰显社会各界对中国国际青少年机器人交流活动的支持和重视。 例如:齐齐哈尔站由中共齐齐哈尔市委宣传部副部长丁云、齐齐哈尔市人民政府外事办主任程瑞武、齐齐哈尔市铁锋区人民政府副区长张洪志、齐齐哈尔市新闻传媒中心副主任孙宇生等领导参加,并由相关领导依次启动抽签键。牡丹江基地站由牡丹江市东安区人民政府副区长杨洪武、牡丹江市东安区教育局局长王国庆、牡丹江市东安区经合局局长杨志国等领导参加,并由相关领导依次启动抽签键。
    On November 16, 2019, the drawing of 2020 Winter Holidays China International Youth Robots Exchange Activity was jointly initiated by local partisan and governmental leaders, leaders and teachers from participated education institutes, a move to highlight the support and attentions to China International Youth Robot Exchange Activity from many sides. For instance, Among those who turned up at two of lottery stations two of lottery stations included the following: Qiqihar lottery station was attended by Ding Yun, Vice Minister of Propaganda Department of Qiqihar Municipal Committee of CPC, Cheng Ruiwu, Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Qiqihar Municipal People's Government, Zhang Hongzhi, Deputy Head of the People's Government of Tieqi District of Qiqihar City, and Sun Yusheng, Deputy Director of Qiqihar City News Media Center. Lottery was drawn by those who turned up in an orderly fashion. Mudanjiang lottery station was attended by Yang Hongwu, Deputy Head of the People's Government of Dong'an District of Mudanjiang City, Wang Guoqing, Director of the Education Bureau of Dong'an District of Mudanjiang City, and Yang Zhiguo, Director of the Economic and Social Affairs Bureau of Dong'an District of Mudanjiang City. Lottery was drawn by those who turned up in an orderly fashion.
  • 2019年11月17日至19日,校工委副秘书长兼交流中心主任陈浩教授、副秘书长刘彬同志、王聪勇同志领导赴威海市关于建立威海机器人教育实践基地等工作进行了为期3天的调研考察、座谈交流、教育教学业务等工作。并与威海市经济技术开发区管委副主任王启、威海市经济技术开发区教育体育处处长丛麒、教研中心主任张利波共同探讨在威海市普及开展机器人教育、国际交流等相关合作事宜。
    From November 17 to 19, 2019, Professor Chen Hao, deputy Secretary-General and director of the exchange center of the School Committee, Liu Bin, deputy Secretary-General, and Wang Congyong took a three-day investigation trip in Weihai for the establishment of Weihai Robot Education Practice Base. Wang Qi, deputy director of Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee, Cong Qi, director of the Education and Sports Department of Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone, and Zhang Libo, director of the Teaching Research Center, jointly discussed cooperation issues such as popularizing robot education  in Weihai and international exchanges.
  • 2019年11月20日至21日,加拿大Canada Online School在线学校,在校工委国际交流中心关于在中华人民共和国开展OSSD高中课程学习合作事宜开始进入执行合同起草阶段,预计此项合作将于下周正式签署。
    Between November 20 to 21, 2019, Canada Online School, has initiated the drafting procedure for a contract with the National School Sports Robot League Working Committee regarding the implementation of OSSD curriculum in the People's Republic of China in the international exchange centre of the Working Committee,the formal signing between the two parties will be expected in the following week.
  • 2019年11月26日,校工委与Canada Online School(加拿大在线学校)合作的加拿大留学项目执行合同签约仪式在北京隆重举行,出席并见证本次签约仪式的领导与嘉宾有校工委副秘书长兼交流中心主任陈浩教授、副秘书长张力教授、副秘书长刘彬、Canada Online School董事长周辉、校长YI Chen(BILL)Zhou等人。校工委与Canada Online School(加拿大在线学校)合作制定了适应于我国所有初三至高三学生的国际高中课程认证体系(CQES),并在共同在中国建设加拿大高中在线课程OSSD教学平台。中国学生在国内可以通过线上线下相结合的方式学习加拿大高中课程,学习完成并通过CQES资格认证的学生可将国内初三至高三学习期间获得的学分转换为加拿大高中学生的学分,并可获得Canada Online School颁发的加拿大高中学生毕业证(OSSD),学生凭此证书可申请英语系国家的有关大学和学院。
    On November 26, 2019, the signing of the study-abroad contract by the National School Sports League Robot Working Committee and Canada Online School was held in Beijing. Among those who attended the signing includes Professor Chen Hao, Deputy Secretary General of the National School Sports League Robot Working Committee and the Director of the Exchange Center, Professor Zhang Li and Mr.Liu Bin, both Deputy Secretary General of the Working Committe, Zhou Hui, chairman of Canada Online School, YI Chen (BILL) Zhou, vice principle of Canada Online School.The School Work Committee and Canada Online School have jointly developed an International High School Curriculum Certification System (CQES) that is applicable to all junior and senior high school students in China, they also jointly built a Canadian high school online course (OSSD) teaching platform in China. Chinese students can study Canadian high school courses online and offline in China.Those who have successfully acquired the CQES qualification are able to convert credits obtained from a China-based secondary school to credits recognised by Canadian high schools,and subsequently obtain The Canadian High School Student Diploma (OSSD) issued by Canada Online School, with which students can apply directly to universities and colleges in English-speaking countries.
  • 2019年11月28日,校工委访日调研考察团正式组成,由何晨光为团长的访日调研考察团于2019年12月9日至14日到日本文部科学省、早稻田大学等政府机构和学校调研考察,洽谈中日两国在以机器人为载体的教育教学等合作。
    On November 28, 2019, the research and investigation delegation of the School Work Committee to Japan officially formed, with He Chenguang as the leader. From December 9 to 14, 2019, the delegation visited the Japanese government organizations and schools, such as the Ministry of Education, and Waseda University, etc. to research and investigate, and discuss the cooperation between China and Japan in education and teaching with robot as the carrier.
  • 2019年12月5日,北京市教委体卫艺处调研员张兵,北京市高校国防教育协会王洁生、曲涛、张庆春,中国大学生体育协会军事体育分会秘书长王小宁一行赴全国学校体育联盟机器人工作委员会总部、通州机器人教育实践基地、密云机器人教育实践基地参观交流。双方就以国防军事为主题的国际交流项目、无人机教学项目、无人机竞赛项目、军事课教练员培训项目、军事课冬季两项活动等方面达成共识并即将开展合作。
    On December 5, 2019, Zhang Bing, a researcher from the Department of Sports, Health and Arts of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, Wang Jiesheng, Qu Tao and Zhang Qingchun from the National Defense Education Association of Universities in Beijing, and Wang Xiaoning, secretary general of the Military Sports Branch of the China University Student Sports Association, visited the headquarters of the National School Sports League Robot Working Committee, Tongzhou Robot Education Practice Base and Miyun Robot Education Practice Base. The two sides reached consensus on cooperation of international exchange regarding national defense and military themed projects, UAV teaching projects, UAV competition projects, military coach training projects, military winter biathlon activities and etc.
  • 2019年12月6日,全国学校体育联盟机器人工作委员会副主席韩力群教授、副秘书长兼交流中心主任陈浩教授、副秘书长刘彬接访重庆两江新区产业发展集团有限公司党委书记董事长李毅和重庆两江新区产业发展集团礼嘉工程中心副主任黄璜,双方就机器人素质教育基地建设、国际国内青少年机器人交流、机器人教育教学体系建设、机器人赛事举办等方面进行深入的沟通和探讨,为下一步双方合作共赢奠定了基础。
    On December 6, 2019, Professor Han Liqun, Deputy?Chairman of the National School Sports League Robot Working Committee, Professor Chen Hao, Deputy Secretary-General and Director of the Communication Center, and Mr. Liu Bin, Deputy Secretary-General, visited Mr .Li Yi, the Chairman of the Party Committee Secretary of Chongqing Liangjiang New District Industrial Development Group Co., Ltd., and ?Huang Huang,?deputy director of Lijia Engineering Center of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Industrial Development Group.The two parties conducted in-depth communication and discussions on the construction of robot quality education bases, international and domestic youth robot exchanges, robot education and teaching system construction, and robot competitions. A step for win-win cooperation has laid the foundation.
  • 2019年12月10日,日本文部科学省大臣政务官佐佐木女士在东京会见何晨光一行,双方关于开展两国之间青少年短期留学、长期留学、出国研修等工作达成了共识。
    On December 10th, Madame Sasaki from MEXT of Japanese government held a meeting with Prof. He Chenguang, both sides reached a consensus on promoting bilateral long-term and short-term study aboard schemes for young students in both countries.
  • 2019年12月10日,曾任全日本职业高专联盟会会长、学校法人敬心学园小林光俊理事长与何晨光一行在东京关于中日双方教育教学合作达成共识。
    On December 10th, Mr. Mitsutoshi Kobayashi, once the president of All Japan Vocational Colleges Association and presently sitting as the head of Keishin-Gakuen Educational Group, held a meeting in Tokyo with Prof. He Chenguang, both sides had reached a consensus on Sino-Japanese cooperation on education sector.
  • 2019年12月13日,中国人民对外友好协会复函共同发起成立中国国际青少年机器人交流工作领导小组办公室,此举标志着以机器人为载体的交流活动的各项内容在组织、管理、服务、项目开发等工作有了对内对外的常设管理机构。
    On December 13th, The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries had formerly delivered an appealing for a joint takeoff of setting up an executive office in charge of China International Youth Robot Exchange Activities, a move demonstrating that contents of the communication activities based on robots will have a permanent internal and external body taking care of organizational management, servicing, project development and other relevant tasks.